Business Continuity

You can’t always control what life throws at you, but you can be ready when it does

Data loss is inevitable

20% of all companies will suffer fire, theft, flood, storm damage, power failures, hardware or software disaster this year

Companies without a plan fail

80% of companies without a business continuity plan will go out of business within 13 months

Disaster threats are increasing

Companies are at an increasing risk from natural disasters, competitive espionage, human error, and power grid failures

Data is critical to your success

You realize that data loss can happen at any time, and your business depends on this data. Protecting your data is key to your future success

Top 3 Requirements of Business Continuity Services

Don’t settle for anything less in your disaster recovery & business continuity plan

1. Upgrade to Hybrid Cloud Technology

If you’re a business that needs their data, there is only one way to protect it. Hybrid cloud technology. It provides unparalleled redundancy that guarantees efficient and reliable backup. Since physical devices are automatically mirrored in the cloud, recovery time is virtually eliminated, meaning no more costly downtime for you or your clients.

2.Get Instant Virtualization

You can now recover your data in seconds. Backups of physical devices can be virtualized and started locally or remotely to keep you and your business up and running without interruption, no matter what. Business continuity has never been this easy, reliable or fast.

3.Invest in Screenshot Backup Verification

It takes backup monitoring to the next level with automatic validation of backups to ensure their integrity. After backing up, SBV will virtualize and test-boot servers using patented technology to ensure there aren’t any concerns with the data. No more, guessing—rest easy knowing your data and business are safe.

Want to protect your business from downtime? Let’s talk.

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